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Fassadensanierung und Innenarchitektur eines IT Büro

Basisdaten zum Objekt

Lage des Objekts Daudetstrasse 35, 81245 München, Deutschland
Projektkategorie Büro / Verwaltung / Staat / Kommune
Projektart Sanierung / Modernisierung
Fertigstellung 2023
Projektstatus Im Bau


Fassadensanierung  und  Innenarchitektur eines IT Büro

Main challenge of the project is to provide environment for  prosperous  IT  business  incubator  in  Kharkov  city.  As  a  skeleton  for  allfunctions, client had selected abandoned soviet concrete administrative 8-floor building, and smaller one 3-floor neighbouring building. Вusiness incubator is a place for  yuppies,  multi-component  environment  which  creates  favorable  conditions  for  the  creation  and development of the new ideas. Design backbone is provocation of communication between people, casual acquaintances, experience sharing, receiving of new knowledge and social events of all kinds.

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